Sunday, February 5, 2012

Dream Achetype

The only dream I’ve had recently:

I fell asleep on my friend’s couch after a few days of two hour nights.  

The dream cut into my friend and I walking across the campus parking lot, heading towards an enormous theatre that definitely does not actually exist. We climbed a rope ladder to a balcony, and she explained she had to pick up her artwork.

The balcony was small, 5x6’ish and was full of students standing, waiting for nothing in particular. It wasn’t long before horrible CG birds appeared, floating on the sides, flapping only their wing tips. We took this as a good reason to leave, but halfway back to the dorm, I realized I’d forgotten my boots. Once again, I climbed the rope ladder back up, retrieved my boots, and found all of the students on the balcony laying down.

They were all Computer animation students, taking naps. In a moment of great clarity, I commented I was taking a nap as well. I referred to it as a “rage quit”. The students and I waxed poetic about hating life and our major. I climbed back down the ladder, now feeling anxious that I had left my first friends’ house without saying good bye and that I couldn’t even remember doing so.

Then, I woke up on their couch. 

The only thing this seems like it would spawn would be a “slice of life comic. It was  very boring dream. Perhaps a dream about birds attacking, with a character that is completely indifferent and more concerned with social

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