Monday, February 13, 2012


The main character, a girl of about 10-12, wakes up in the middle of a parking lot. Wide panel, girl is small. Three panels until a close up on her squinting into the sky.

A few birds circle in the sky, she gets up and starts walking.

Two pages, walking in a parking lot. The sky is cloudless, only a few birds are circling. Any cars are spaced few and far between, and decaying.

Finally, a voice enters, with a speech bubble coming from near the girl, though it is not her voice.

V: Nice day.

Shot of the girl looking almost directly at the viewer.. The voice continues.

V: Still, all this walking will get you nowhere.

The girl is looking confused, but is not alarmed.

V: It’s time to go up, I think.

The voice reveals itself as a woman, only about thirty.  She is dark skinned and elegant, wearing dark clothing that drapes over her. The girl doesn’t seem to bothered, but expresses interest when a rope comes seemingly from the sky.  ( long vertical panel, only the rope against the sky, the girl and woman at the bottom)

The girl wordlessly beings to climb the rope. A full body panel, then one of the hands grasping it. Another panel reveals the rope is yanked upwards.

The woman stays below, and is left off screen.

The next pane is of the girl climbing onto a balcony. The balcony is revealed to be attached to a theatre, that is consumed by clouds at its base.

The girl stands up and is faced with a crowd of people standing  silently on the small balcony. (birds are still flying above the clouds). The girl looks around, seeing only where she came from and an entrance on the front of the building (on the balcony) that is closed.

The voice reappears. (the speech bubble appears first, over the girl’s head. A second panel reveals the woman)

V: I am here to pick up my artwork.

The expressionless crowd parts enough for the woman to slip through, she walks right through the door, but the girl is cut off as the crowd assumes their original positions.  The girl, frustrated, sits down on the floor.

The girl noticed the birds are circling closer, and more are landing on the balcony railing.  As she looks around, she notices they are beginning to chew and peck at the crowd.  The crowd doesn’t seem concerned until one bird begins ripping at the clothes, quickly followed by the others.

The crowd is alarmed. The girl is cornered as the crowd panics in the small space. She reaches down and takes off her boot to throw at the birds. The birds disperse for the moment, just in time for the woman to re-emerge from the building.

The woman has a large canvas that is framed under her arm. She takes in the situation and rushes through the crowd, pushing herself and the girl off the balcony.

The girl, believing she is going to die, screams. The woman only closes her eyes. The canvas painting gains flight, stopping their fall.

The girl looks at the woman with surprise, and is met with a slight smile. The girl is reassured and looks out into the open sky as the canvas flies them away from the theatre.

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